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How to work triggers and objectives

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I'm trying to recreate single mission 9 using the mission editor but i haven't a clue how to work triggers. I've been looking for info on this but without much luck.

Basically, i've set up a waypoint for my Unit to go to defend the town with the other RACS units but i don't know how to trigger the next objective once all the enemy troops have been killed. Anyone help?

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1. create a trigger big enough to cover whole city/area where enemys are & might move

2. active by "enemy" (opfor, blufor etc)

3. select "not present"

4. Active the next object on the onActivation field

for example to show the next objective in briefing use

"2" objStatus "ACTIVE"

Ofc, 2 being the whatever number the objective actually is. Note, you might want to hide it at the start with same command but replacing ACTIVE with HIDDEN.

In addition to that, you can use the sync tool in the editor to draw a line between your trigger and a waypoint. That way the next waypoint will be only showed after the first objective is complited.

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