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SetAccTime -- Bullet Time?

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How can I create a trigger, than once a soldier fires... Time slows down. And when time does slow down, what value is small enough to catch a bullet in midair with a camera?

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Bullets travel at thousands of feet per second so you would need to use 0.001 or so. However, I don't believe the bullets themselves are modelled except as a red/green blob at the end of a tracer.

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Add a fired event handler to the unit.

Assuming ArmA is like OFP, bullet rounds have no graphical representation other than the tracer streaks. They do however work as a continuous swishing aerodynamic sound source.

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use bulletcam II linked in this thread further down.

but be aware fired eventhandlers can be affected by settings above normal on rifles in single fire mode.

in otherwords they dont trigger .

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Bulletcam II?

Linked? Where? wink_o.gif

This "eventhandler"... So it would look like...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

SoldierName addEventHandler ["Fire", setAccTime .0001]


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