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Nicolas Eymerich

(This) Diaolg won't work!

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This is the description of a dialog but

#define FontM "tahomaB"

#define ST_LEFT 0

#define ST_RIGHT 1

#define ST_CENTER 2

#define CT_STATIC 0

#define CT_ACTIVETEXT 11

class RscText


type = CT_STATIC;

idc = -1;

style = ST_LEFT;

colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

font = FontM;

sizeEx = 0.04;


class RscActiveText



idc = -1;

style = ST_LEFT;

color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

colorActive[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};

font = FontM;

sizeEx = 0.04;

soundEnter[] = {"ui\ui_over", 0.2, 1};

soundPush[] = {, 0.2, 1};

soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};

soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};

default = false;


class DlgTutorial


idd = -1;

movingEnable = true;

controlsBackground[] = { };

objects[] = { };

controls[] = { HELLO, CLICK };

class HELLO : RscText


idc = 100;

style = ST_CENTER;

x = 0.4;

y = 0.45;

w = 0.2;

h = 0.1;

text = "Hello World!";


Class CLICK : RscActiveText


idc = 101;

style = ST_CENTER;

x = 0.4;

y = 0.65;

w = 0.2;

h = 0.05;

text = "Click Me!";

action = "ctrlSetText [100, ""Thanks""]";

default = true;



I've experimented too much painful crash to desktop.

The error message says:

Error in line 42

"Expected C Instead ="


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