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animate doors on pre placed buildings?

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ok iv searched all over and cant get a working way to get the doors in buildings to open and close..

im not even 100% sure all doors on houses can be opened.

can someone plz confirm that the doors can be oped and plz give me a set by step way to open the buildings doors via a trigger if posable?

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If you can't open them with the action menu ingame then you can't open them period. And no, most buildings are not animated.

Some (few I believe) buildings do have animated doors, animating them is simply a matter of using the animate command, finding the animation name (BIS uses "Dvere", Czech for door or something, for all their doors, with a single digit number at the end indicating which door), and using nearestObject to find the building.

Ex:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">(position player nearestobject 12345) animate ["Dvere1",1]

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