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scripting commands not working in My Version

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I bought the 1.04 version here in Aus last friday and patched up to 1.05.

I am finding that several scripting commands just do not work. I am familliar with OFP scripting and had that game from its release, so its not just a noob problem.

Threead here on units in buildings

The command Nearestbuilding always returns void:Null even when the guy is standing on a building with rooms. I tried the script from Olle and get the same result. I used a titletext to watch it and always get Void:Null.

I also cannot get DoFollow or CommandFollow to work.

Anyone else experiencing or have experienced this?

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You do know that doFollow and commandFollow only work with units in the same group? Just making sure because they can easily be misinterpereted (these commands are used to get AI to return to formation, not to really for them to follow other units).

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