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small questions

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I'm taking my very first steps mission editing in Arma. I'm creating very straight forward 'clean sweep' type of mission for starters.

Now I have a few enemies and triggers and what not in place and it seems to work as intended.

Now I have a few small (?) questions:

1. I need dead civilian bodies for my scenario. I can do this via

this setDamage 1; ..problem being that they start alive and drop to ground.

2. I have a enemy group cycling between waypoints. How I can make them initially have guns on their back instead of hands?

3. Theres one enemy group traveling from a to b. I would like to divert them to my position when any opfor sees any bluefor memeber.

4. How to change initial weapon layout of unit. E.g. to give civilian a weapon.

5. I managed to create intro with camera.sqs. for outro I need camera to follow player where ever he is.

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Problem 1.

Maybe try some kind of fade in . Or start the players just out of site of them. If your using a camera just show some out of the way place first, give them time to die.

Problem 2.

I don't know

Problem 3.

Name yourself Fred

Put this in the init section of the leader of the moving group<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> group1=group this

Make a trigger - BLUFOR detected by East. Or whatever you wanted to check for.

It can take some time to get the trigger boundries set to detect you right. Try not to overlap trigger boundries if you can.

in the OnAct section put<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[group1, 2] setWaypointPosition [position Fred, 0]

The 2 in [group1, 2] is the waypoint number (it may be 1 in your case)

Problem 4.

Put in init of civilian.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">removeallweapons this; this addweapon "nameofweapon"; this addmagazine "nameofmagazine";this addmagazine "nameofmagazine";this addmagazine "nameofmagazine";this addmagazine "nameofmagazine";

The name of all the weapons and ammo can be found HERE

Problem 5.

I haven't looked into the camera deal yet. It was much easier in OFP for simple camer work, it was in the trigger. Sorry

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problem two:

Give that group a waypoint after the cycle waypoint and make them "aware" on it.

The waypoints before that your group should stay in "safe" mode. maybe also reduce their walking speed by setting it to "limited"

I believe this makes your men run their route with the gun on their back and ready for combat only until after the cycle waypoint.

Have a trigger put there to "activate" the waypoint after the cycle waypoint and draw a syncline between your last waypoint and the trigger.

Your group should now "switch" from safe to combat when the trigger is activated.

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Thank you for the answers! Now I have an another problem. Should be really simple, but I just don't get it sad_o.gif

I would like to activate my trigger (to end mission) when I reach final waypoint.

I have Move waypoint with on act.: actTrigger=true;

and Trigger with type end#1 condition actTrigger=true;

Nothing happens when I reach waypoint.

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try this as the condition<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">actTrigger == true

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No luck. It says "==:type any, expected Number, String, Object, Side, group, text, config entry, display(dialog), control" if I put endTrigger==true to trigger condition field.


got it.

endtrigger=1; to waypoint and edntrigger == 1; to trigger worked.. Doesn't make sense to me why endtrigger == true did not work through.

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try this as the condition<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">actTrigger == true

That's a no no. The condition is simply 'actTrigger', and if you want to check if it's false the condition would be '!actTrigger'. You don't use == with booleans.

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them "aware" on it.

The waypoints before that your group should stay in "safe" mode. maybe also reduce their walking speed by setting it to "limited"

I tried all combatmode and behaviour options in waypoint put they are always holding guns.

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them "aware" on it.

The waypoints before that your group should stay in "safe" mode. maybe also reduce their walking speed by setting it to "limited"

I tried all combatmode and behaviour options in waypoint put they are always holding guns.

That's because the weapon on back animations in ArmA have been changed to weapon held down in front of them. There is no weapon on back animation in ArmA. It's not like the OFP 'safe' anims were all that great anyway, a lot of people used patrol anims in OFP to get them to hold their weapons in front of them when in safe mode instead of on their backs, it's more realistic in most cases than the rifle on back anims.

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KyleSarnik, thanks for the correction smile_o.gif

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