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about the *.Armaprofile skill settings

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I've recently experimented a bit with the skill settings inside the *.armaprofile file.

still have a few questions regarding it and thought that someone here might be able to clear them up for me:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">skillFriendly


i'm not completely sure about what the actual effects of this are since it's hard to get reliable results in testing. i *think* i noticed the detection ability of ai units increase when i increased this setting but i can't say for sure. also is it possible that units "behave" more realistically (ie.: advancing more carefully etc.) or is this just me seeing things?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">precisionFriendly


i've noticed the ai spends a lot more ammo when i lower this setting. they don't go sniping around with mg's anmore but actually use them on auto at times it seems. BIG improvement in my book. the downside of this is that they also seem to be less accurate, espectially with other weapons like AT launchers (which are way to accurate imo anyway...) etc.

any other effects besides this anybody knows about?

now to the reason i've placed the thead in the mission editing subforum:

1: how does the "skill" slider inside the mission editor work - especially in conjunction with the skill setting mentioned above? simple multiplicator? percentage of setting in the profile? Does is modify both skill AND precision settings?

2: is there some way to make these kind of skill adjustments to units inside the mission without going to the armaprofile file? the settings mentioned above can make quite a bit of difference in how a mission plays out and can sometimes even break a mission if the mission itself was designed around other values.

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Quote[/b] ]

2: is there some way to make these kind of skill adjustments to units inside the mission without going to the armaprofile file? the settings mentioned above can make quite a bit of difference in how a mission plays out and can sometimes even break a mission if the mission itself was designed around other values.

As the armaprofile file is not really meant to be adjusted the effect of unit skill adjusting within editor will of course be different for the ones who edited the armaprofile manually. There is simply nothing you can do about as to my knowledge missions are not able to make changes in the armaprofile file.

For perfect compability you should leave the settings at default in the profile file.

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Quote[/b] ]

2: is there some way to make these kind of skill adjustments to units inside the mission without going to the armaprofile file? the settings mentioned above can make quite a bit of difference in how a mission plays out and can sometimes even break a mission if the mission itself was designed around other values.

As the armaprofile file is not really meant to be adjusted the effect of unit skill adjusting within editor will of course be different for the ones who edited the armaprofile manually. There is simply nothing you can do about as to my knowledge missions are not able to make changes in the armaprofile file.

For perfect compability you should leave the settings at default in the profile file.

imo the ai behaves more realistacally when some of these settings are altered a bit. so there's no way to set the unit skill and precision independently inside the editor at all? not asking for a way to 'remotely' alter the profile but to set the skill (and precision) levels of the soldiers in some other way...

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Quote[/b] ]but to set the skill (and precision) levels of the soldiers in some other way...

Of course you can alter the skill setting in editor, even if you have an altered arma profile. It will just act different on other Arma users computers, therefore mission editors should leave the armaprofile settings untouched if they don´t want to have massive complaints about AI that is almost impossible to beat on one comp while it´s playable on those with altered settings.

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ok - i've just looked through the biki again and one command stood out that i missed before: setSkill array

unfortunately the description sems to be lacking somewhat. does anybody have some experience with this command? what are valid variables (the example they give has one string and one float but is lacking all the others that are mentioned above...). or do you have to set one at a time with the descriptive string first and the attached value second and repeat for each variable you want to set?

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ok, if anybody else would like to test these settings, i created a function that should make it a bit easier to assign skills based on the "setskill array" command:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">private ["_units","_aimingAccuracy","_aimingShake","_aimingSpeed","_endurance","_spotDistance","_spotTime","_courage","_reloadSpeed","_commanding","_general"];

_units = _this select 0;

_aimingAccuracy = _this select 1;

_aimingShake = _this select 2;

_aimingSpeed = _this select 3;

_endurance = _this select 4;

_spotDistance = _this select 5;

_spotTime = _this select 6;

_courage = _this select 7;

_reloadSpeed = _this select 8;

_commanding = _this select 9;

_general = _this select 10;


if (not isnil ("_aimingAccuracy")) then {

if (_aimingAccuracy > -1) then {_x setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",_aimingAccuracy]};

if (not isnil ("_aimingShake")) then {

if (_aimingShake > -1) then {_x setSkill ["aimingShake",_aimingShake]};

if (not isnil ("_aimingSpeed")) then {

if (_aimingSpeed > -1) then {_x setSkill ["aimingSpeed",_aimingSpeed]};

if (not isnil ("_endurance")) then {

if (_endurance > -1) then {_x setSkill ["endurance",_endurance]};

if (not isnil ("_spotDistance")) then {

if (_spotDistance > -1) then {_x setSkill ["spotDistance",_spotDistance]};

if (not isnil ("_spotTime")) then {

if (_spotTime > -1) then {_x setSkill ["spotTime",_spotTime]};

if (not isnil ("_courage")) then {

if (_courage > -1) then {_x setSkill ["courage",_courage]};

if (not isnil ("_reloadSpeed")) then {

if (_reloadSpeed > -1) then {_x setSkill ["reloadSpeed",_reloadSpeed]};

if (not isnil ("_commanding")) then {

if (_commanding > -1) then {_x setSkill ["commanding",_commanding]};

if (not isnil ("_general")) then {

if (_general > -1) then {_x setSkill ["general",_general]};











sleep (random 0.1);

} forEach _units

example of use:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_setskill = [[unit1,unit2,unit3],0.1,0.2,0.9,0.5,0.5,0.9,0.5,0.5,0.9,0.9] execVM "setskillarray.sqf"

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Actually, the values in the *.armaprofile IS adjusted. It's what changing the AI skill in the difficulty menu does.

Also, I did some research into this a while back. For my tests and conclusions, see this thread:


One thing of paramount importance I have to note, is that changing the skill values in the mission editor has very little effect in arma.

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