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dr. molesto

Quick Question

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Hi, I am making a mission which is actually quite extensive but I am new at this. I've been editing as I go along, finding out new things, etc, and so far it's been going fine and looks rather good. My question is this. I need an officer to brief the player on his upcoming mission. He would have to carry out a number of the 'FX' standing command things in a series... for this, would I have to make some kind of extra-game script activated by a trigger? or is there some other way?

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Hi molesto,

Well, you don't need *really* a script, but it would make life a lot easier. In a script you can put all the actions in a row rather than in a little activation box.

To "do" animations, you have to use the switchmove or playmove command, and there is a list of animations available in the unnofficial command reference. I give some examples :

a7 playmove "EffectStandTalk"

this plays an animation of someone talking, and :

nameofunit switchmove "FXStandSurUniv"

to switch to a "captured" position.

You can use all animations/positions on the activation boxes of a trigger or waypoint. Init fields do not seem to work (to me at least)

If you want to learn more about scripting, try the faq i maintain, it should cover some basic stuff. Here is a basic example of an animation + talk script :

;start of script


pilot sideRadio "pilot1"


pilot sideRadio "pilot2"

;end of script

As you can see, the "pilot1" is the first sentence he speaks, and "pilot2" the second, but there is a wait command in between of 2 seconds, so he won't blurp everything a the same time smile.gif

Hope this helps,


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