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Fuel Depot

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How do you get a FUEL Military FuelStation unit to respond to fueling up when you get near it with a vehicle? Is this the wrong unit to use, or what?


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Perhaps you need to refuel it?

setfuelcargo or setrefuelcargo, don't remember...

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When you get close to the fuel station it should come up with REFUEL at station in the action menu automatically.

Same with refuel trucks.

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Yeah, I realize that.. but it wouldn't for me. BUT.. for some reason it started doing it last night. Now, one thing that was different between the times I tried - first time, I was west getting into a T72 at the east fuel station. That is when it wasn't showing up. As East, It worked. I am going to test it again, but you would think that if you are in it, it shouldn't matter if you are east or west, correct?

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Yeah I had this happen on the red hammer mission where you save the resistance leader....(second to last)....in the base he is in they have a damn repair station and it would not work at all....and my T80 was badly damaged...I had to do some serious off roading to make it back alive because of this biggrin.gif ....

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