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Any changes with control of dialogues in version 1

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I am surprised at the fact that a script with the version 1.05 functions not perfectly,

although I did not change anything.

In the script different controls are addressed, around them to fade out for example.

In the version 1.02 everything functions without any errors and performance loss.

In the version 1.05 there is also no error message, but ArmA is expenditure-braked suddenly

and it runs only with 8 Frames (otherwise 40 frames).

I passed no idea why :-/

Here my script:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//load color settings;

private ["_para","_i","_colorArray","_color","_ctrl","_ctrls","_id"];

_para = _this select 0;_i = 0;

_ctrls = [













_ctrls2 = [






if((count XCam_ColorSets) == 0) then


cuttext["ColorSet not found","plain",0.1];




if(XCam_ColorDef > count XCam_ColorSets) then


XCam_DefaultColor = XCam_ColorSets select ((count XCam_ColorSets) - 1);




XCam_DefaultColor = XCam_ColorSets select XCam_ColorDef;


if(_para == 1) then


{_id = XCam_Ctrl_Pool displayCtrl _x;_id ctrlSetFade 1}foreach _ctrls2;

{_id = XCam_Ctrl_Pool displayCtrl _x;_id ctrlCommit 0.2}foreach _ctrls2;

sleep 0.2;


while {_i < count XCam_DefaultColor} do


_color = XCam_DefaultColor select (_i + 1);

_ctrl = _ctrls select _i;

if(count _ctrl > 0) then


{_id = XCam_Ctrl_Pool displayCtrl _x;_id ctrlSetBackgroundColor _color}foreach _ctrl;

_i = _i + 1;




_i = _i + 1;



if(_para == 1) then


sleep 0.2;

{_id = XCam_Ctrl_Pool displayCtrl _x;_id ctrlSetFade 0}foreach _ctrls2;

{_id = XCam_Ctrl_Pool displayCtrl _x;_id ctrlCommit 0.2}foreach _ctrls2;



[] spawn XCam_fLoadGroup;

//_id = XCam_Ctrl_Pool displayCtrl 100;

//_id ctrlSetTooltip "GroupList";



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Maybe this is the reason:Version 1.04

5104 - Fixed: UI fade animations (ctrlSetFade) did not work for controls in control groups

So this,together with "forEach" and your 47 elements group "_ctrls2" is probably why...

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Is your .RPT file also error free?

Did your patching process succeed without errors?

I think dialog-related stuff has suffered the biggest problems with the patch.

Just from a quick look at your script i have noticed:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

{_id = XCam_Ctrl_Pool displayCtrl _x;_id ctrlSetFade 1}foreach _ctrls2;

{_id = XCam_Ctrl_Pool displayCtrl _x;_id ctrlCommit 0.2}foreach _ctrls2;

What happens if you comment these lines (as they are time critical) just for a test?

Apart from that everything seems alright, so the problem must be in the patch fixes. A couple of definitions in the UI config have been changed with the patch.

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Quote[/b] ]5104 - Fixed: UI fade animations (ctrlSetFade) did not work for controls in control groups

With it it could be connected. But which became exact changed?

Everything ran before absolutely problem-free ... hmm.

Quote[/b] ]Is your .RPT file also error free?

The rpt-file I regarded, but found nothing remarkable.

I will check that again exactly this evening.

Quote[/b] ]Did your patching process succeed without errors?

yes, without any errors.

In addition I will undertake further tests.

I will continue to pursue the problem and will give appropriate feedback.

thank you all for the first assistance smile_o.gif



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