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Trigger Problems In MP dedicated

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In MP dedicated server my triggers are working, but I have sounds that im trying to play when the trigger activates, two of them wont play at all, and the one time I heard the third one it was really late.

If any one can help me with getting the trigger sounds to work, or I dont mind playing the sound thru a script, but I want the sound to come from a spot on the map, not just all around the player.

It is the alarmbell sound, and the house destruction sound.

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As I tryed few more things I found out if you start within or next to the trigger it does work.  But in my mission I start far away from the trigger ill do a lil more work to see if I make the trigger bigger if it will work.

Here is what I found out, no matter how big the tirgger area is it will not sound the trigger if I spawn(start) my guys so far away.

Here is an example of my trigger:

Triggername: alarm

Activated by: Civilian Present

Play Sound on Trigger: playalarmbell

now this does not work if I spawn my guys like 3000 meters away, but if they are within 500-1000 meters it works fine.

im going to test to see if I wait like 5 mins if it will not work, im think it takes about 5 mins to fly there so that mite be why it is not working.

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I know this is an old thread but:

I just encountered this problem today and the above post lead me to a solution for it. Here it is, I hope it helps someone somewhere.

1: Place the sound trigger at or close to the player's spawn position. It must be named. For this example, we'll call it SoundTrigger

2: Place some game logics at the locations you want the sounds to actually play from. This must also be named. For this example, we'll call it SoundTriggerPosition

3: In the activation field of the sounds, insert code that looks like this.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

SoundTrigger setpos [((getpos SoundTriggerPosition) select 0), ((getpos SoundTriggerPosition) select 1), 10]

If it's an adversarial type of thing or something, you'd probably have to duplicate the sound triggers for each side.

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