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It's unfortunate that the forums are extremely slow and no one in charge seems to care about doing anything about it. I have to wait literally one or two minutes for each page to come up, if it comes up at all. Someone says they have new servers, but my connection to the site is just as slow as it was last week (from two different places). It's been this way for weeks, and all I hear from mods is that BIS are aware of the problem and are working on it. I see no work being done, nor have I seen any improvement in the speed of the forums in the last couple of weeks, especially since switching to the new format.

I guess maybe one day they'll decide to do something about it. Until then, as much as I would like, I really don't have time to wait around for eternity just to look at the posts, much less respond to them. Hopefully they'll straighten this out one day (and lock every thread about the problems from now until then) and make the speed at least minimally acceptable for most of us.

I hope whoever is in charge of this board is listening. I realize that you don't like lots of topics on this subject, but the fact of the matter is that the reason people are posting about it so much is because it's a very annoying problem we would all like to see vanish. All we get is promises and locked threads. I simply don't have time for it anymore. I guess I'll just stick with the Operation Flashpoint Editing Center.

Later guys...

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Well,, the forum have been slow the last couple of weeks. As I entered it today, I had no problems at all with the speed.

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