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Newbie Trigger help

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Making a mission where you are deep behind enemy lines, and you have to assasinate a key general.

Now the structure of the mission is that you start at a safe house, go kill the target and escape back to the safe house.

Basically what I need is for the mission to end after the target is dead and i am at the safe house for the second time (because obviously i start the mission there.

What do i have to do to the trigger to make sure it ends the mission ends the second time im in its range?

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You would want the trigger on the safehouse to check to see if the trigger set off for killing the target has been activated

Im not sure how to do it atm, but Im sure someone else can point you in the right direction

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you could try this...

west or east or civil or independant present to fire trigger

then in the triggers condition fireld..

player name in thislist and not (alive name of general)

trigger type end1...

on activation ForceEnd .. im sure there will be better ways but this works for me .. hope it helps

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This works fine for me

give General a name (eg. Fred)

Then, create a trigger on your safehouse, with your Axis' to as you normally would

Then, in the Condition box of the trigger, put the following

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">!alive Fred && this

Of course, change Fred to the name of your general

If you group your man & the trigger together, it will auto set the trigger to only activate when your man is present in the radius

Hope that helps

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