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Error before multiplayer game

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Wondered if anyone knows why this error message is being triggered just before entering a multiplayer game?

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.M16'

UK version of the game.

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Well I Think its disgusting that all these people have this error on a brand new game. U pay for it and expect the most fundamental part of the install to be no problem at all but NO. What a pile of S*** I am so disappointed after so much hype.

So i sent my cd key to BI and am waiting for a responce, I guess i'll just have to sit tight as freakin usual

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Well I Think its disgusting that all these people have this error on a brand new game. U pay for it and expect the most fundamental part of the install to be no problem at all but NO. What a pile of S*** I am so disappointed after so much hype.

So i sent my cd key to BI and am waiting for a responce, I guess i'll just have to sit tight as freakin usual

Well, mine is only a minor problem which I can live with until the patch is released. Had a few other issues with the multiplayer side of the game though, crashing and seizing up on me. I'm pretty happy with the game in general despite the bugs, because I know these problems will be fixed eventually.

Hope you get some joy with your probs m8.

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IC hateboy i have to agree with you i am too waiting for my cd key problem to be fixed i mean paying 30 quid for a game and it dont even work properly i know that there is going to be updates but at least get the game working before you release it in the UK i reckon BI should do something about this like a voucher or something.

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