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waypoints with multiple groups

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i've got a problem as to how to go about changing the active waypoint for other groups when a group arrives at one that is the same as it.

to keep things a bit more simple and to get my point across i'm keeping the numbers low...


ok...there is a flag and we have a have a public variable whoOwned which has an initial value of "neutral". this variable represents the team that controls the flag.

let's say we have 2 groups on each side wg1, wg2, eg1, and eg2

each group contains 2 units.

each group has an initial waypoint to move to the flag.

let's say wg1 arrives at the flag. wg1's new waypoint is to hold position. wg2, eg1, and eg2's waypoints haven't changed.

after wg1 is done waiting, whoOwned="west" and it is broadcasted. wg1 and wg2 should now have waypoints to defend the position. eg1 and eg2 still have a waypoint to move to the flag. wg2 is still at spawn because they are noobs.

now let's say that eg1 and eg2 arrives at the location and shoot the crap out of wg1. the east team agrees that eg1 will switch the flags while eg2 covers them.

the flag is switched, so whoOwned="east". wg1 respawns. wg1 and wg2 both now have waypoints to move to the location of the flag while eg1 and eg2 have waypoints to defend the flag.


it's obvious that it's a bit complex (i don't mind). i'm just not sure if it can be done using "CYCLE" waypoints or am i just going to have to rely on an entire waypoint management script that uses deleteWaypoint and addWaypoint. any suggestions?

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Quote[/b] ]entire waypoint management script that uses deleteWaypoint and addWaypoint.

If you ask me: yes it is the way you need to do it to keep best control and flexibility. I am not a friend of complex map trigger matrices - often you loose overview with these and it's almost impossible to troubleshoot syntax errors in these little text boxes.

The script should be a rather simple iteration of if..then..else constructs that change waypoints according to situations.



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i started writing that crap and it's like.............serious pita. i started experimenting with the waypoints in the editor and each group has a move, hold, and cycle waypoint. only problem is that it's not easy to test by yourself hehe.

well i've got 2 public boolean variables; wOwned and eOwned. these tell us who has control of the flag.

the move waypoint has condition of xOwned, hold waypoint has condition of !xOwned. <s>the next waypoint is active after teh previous condition is met, correct?</s>

i'm not exactly sure whether the cycle wp needs to have a condition or not.

EDIT: struck text, answer found here

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