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RN Malboeuf

Tanks behavior

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1. What I didn't like in OFP was the fact that ai driving even heavy tanks avoiding collisions with enemy vehicles and infantry. Thus instead of just smashing light infantry in front of the tank (like fences and trees) bots start turning to avoid the collision ! setting side armor under the fire. It looks ridiculous and it's a pity that nothing changed since OFP sad_o.gif

2. Now Ai attacks tank crew if it's turned out. But for ex. driver in t72 has no turn out stance - thus even after commander and gunner is killed bots are just wasting ammo trying to shoot driver through the armor...

3. Is there any hope that bots will learn to use HE round for light targets not just default AP for everything ?

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One more thing I notice - when you are commander of the tank bot will drive just straight as you order. So you can smash the enemy , but even for ifantry its possible only at at high speed (otherwise soldier is pushed forward nor smashed )

Is tank behavior defined with FSM files ? It looks like it depends on crews ( I tried to put civils there - they are jumping out in every encounter smile_o.gif)... but is there a section in man's FSM to define behavior in vehicles ?

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