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creating a string from a variable name

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Hey, I've melted my brain again...

I'm making a script that accepts a variable refering to a group. eg, in players init, eastGroup1 = group this

[eastGroup1] exec "script.sqs"

I want to use the text "eastGroup1" as a string, but i can't figure out how to retrieve it without it pointing directly to the group.

_string = _this select 0

gives "EAST Alpha Black"

_string = "_this select 0"

gives "_this select 0"

_string = format["%1",_this select 0]

gives "EAST Alpha Black"

Any idea how to get this working? I guess the script is not ever given the actual variable name. Could it work the other way? Ie, the arguement is a string, which needs to be reduced to the variable name?

For those who are curious, I need to keep track of a group that will be spawned and culled multiple times. The actual groupID (EAST Alpha Black) will be different every time.

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hmm solved it, backwards. I'm still interested in any thoughts or ideas on either approach.

instead of passing the variable, pass it as a string

["eastGroup1"] exec "script.sqs"

this in the script, the string can be turned into a variable name:

_groupName = _this select 0

_command = format["_temp = %1",_groupName]

_command foreach [0]

_groupID = _temp

_groupName is "eastGroup1"

_groupID is eastGroup1 which obviously points to EAST Alpha Black

Solution found Here

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