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RedHammer mission

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I am stuck at the mission where 4 (at least) waves are attacking the city from south and I have to defend it.

Now, I first placed the fences, but apparently wrong because all tanks ignore my little minefield at the south road and come from slightly south-east or even total east.


The first tank (M1A1) is destroyed by a mine. Although it depends on where _I_ am, if I am left of it it will turn over and fall on i's top, if I move to the right of the mine, it will be blown up and move on. Since the guys only get out when it is on top I need to be left of the tank. Probably they see me and stear otherwise depending on the side where I am. If I am on th right, I need an AT4 to finally kill the tank.

Okay, so far so good. The three M60 are dispensed with AT4 /no mines since they refuse to go into my minefield and I idiot planted it wrong).

The M113 are dispensed of with Mines (hehe), I kill two sblack-ops and take their satchel, place a few of them.

The next M60 is killed by a mine, the disembarking men by my satchel.

So far, so good.

Then come three M60, and I got only two AT4 left, the BMP is always killed when engaging them, and there are the other spec-ops running around. I can't place satchels (no time, M60 will kill me).

So, how do I beat this mission? I don't have any AT4 left, nor mines (the M60 come from east, anyway, and my last 2 mines are lying south).

Any ideas?

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Btw, whoever thought it would be cool to place a non-stoppable-20-second-death-animation on a mission where you die approximately 500 times (no kidding!), should be drawn across the marketplace, while flogged with copies of the RedHammer CD :/

Although it looks cool, I get so bored waiting all day until I can try (and die after 10 seconds) again, that it really starts to get on my nerves. *gnaw*

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You're talking about Alamo mission don't u. this was one of my best missions. Very fun. Place fences in the sounth, south-east and south-west. They never come from north. Take your time. You have enough time. Place fences carefully. Now take mines from ammo crates and place two in the main road. Those two are for the first abrams. Place other around the whole base. not on the north. those are for M60. Place satchels around the base. You have enough At rockets. For me, at least. Enbark repair truck and repair Shilka. Place ammo crates next to the main road to montignac(in south). Park BMP on the main road in the city. Now press 0-01 and report that you're ready. The time will speed up and you'll start in 18:00 hours. First abrams will be disabled by two mines. Kill the crew of the tank and destroy the Abrams with the BMP(if he's still not destroyed) Too bad that u can't repair abrams once damaged. Disembark from the BMP and arm with At louncher. Wait for the first M60's. Some of them should be destroyed by mines. If someone survives, destroy him with rocket. And so on. The last wave is the biggest. You should hear call from Eagle Eye, that four abrams are coming, and that they're sending a chopper to pick u up. Don't bother with soldiers. Just run like #### to the chopper. Enbark your team and yourself to it and mission should end.

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Ah I thought the Shilka was FUBAR.

*sight* I will have to try again, by placing the fences differently.

The Abrahams never came the main road, probably because I blocked it. It always came up over the hill :/

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It's Abrams not Abrahams. Abraham, lol.

The first M1A1 came over the hill, but then he went to the main road. At least for me. All other will came over the hill, so i suggest that u place mines on the grass. Just 2 mines should be placed on the road.

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