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I can host but cannot join

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I thought this was a problem that was just in the demo but I downloaded the full game and it still haunts me...

Here are my stats:

Asus P4P 800 Deluxe

2.8c GHZ (Intel)

Saphire X1650 Pro (AGP)

PC3200 2 X 512mb

Audigy 2zs

I can host a game for Armed Assault fine, but when I try to join a game it acts really weird. I have to hit OKAY to see everyone on the server, then I have to be dragged into a slot. When the host hits continue I get stuck on the recieving mission file screen. But I can host fine...

Here is what my game looks like when I join a server.


Note-I can host and join games fine in all other games, it's just Armed Assault.

Here are my router settings:


The only protection I have is AVG and no firewall (windows firewall is turned off).

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My guess is that I need to foward the port for ArmA on my router but I am not sure what it is...

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I really feel for you, but we already have this thread, which you have already posted your issue in. Making a new thread won't help. Closing.

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