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Vehicle radio

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Plan was to make a vehicle radio for the game which would work in MP as well. I somewhat managed to do this but it didn´t come out very "clean", cause I know very little about scripting.

I managed make a "radio" which only plays music to those inside a vehicle.

I made on and off switch for it and three "channels" to toggle trough.

I failed to make it so that the radio would play the same "channel" to everyone in the vehicle. So as it is the radio is kind of a personal radio for each one in the vehicle. Anyone can switch channels or turn the radio off not effecting the others. One might call it a feature, but it was not my goal.

Problem is, that this is not exactly a simple script. So I made an example mission and hope that someone makes a decent script out of it. Though it can be used as it is, but it isn´t probably very practical.

Download example mission

I tested it a bit in dedicated server and it worked fine.

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