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Spawning markets on a helo crashsite

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I've been making a co-op mission where one team is in a UH60 which has a failing rear rotor and low fuel, and they have to ditch the bird. After several goes at this I found that I can land within quite a large radius (I have the '60's speed at 200 initially).

Now what I'd like is for when the UH60 is "not alive" (as in the crew blow it up to not get it into enemy hands, but also to make it show up on 'GPS' for pickup) i want to have a marker created right on it's position. The rescue team will know where to start looking, and the AI will have somewhere to move to (dunno how to do that, but I'm sure that's something I can search for).

A couple other things: can I remove the map and such for the downed team, and keep the map for the friendlies? also is it possible to have no friendlies show up on the map? (to make it harder for the rescue team to find the friendlies).

Thanks in advance!

edit: holy hannah, I meant "markers", not "markets". smile_o.gif

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Ok, I just made a script which creates a marker on the downed helo. Be it if I eject from it and it blows up on impact with the ground, or if I just blow it up myself. Goody! smile_o.gif

Right, I have made a BMP called "bmp1", and have made a trigger which has the following

condition: not alive heli

on activation: bmp1 domove getpos marker1

Unfortnately this doesn't do anything. The BMP will just sit there quite happily, oblivious to his orders. sad_o.gif

edit: I just changed the "domove" pos from "marker1" to "heli", and it worked a treat. The BMP drove right up to where the UH60's wreckage!

edit edit: How would one create a trigger of about 100 or so in size, grouped with the BMP squad which would order the BMP to stop and order the troops out once it enters said trigger? It looks kind of funny to see the BMP drive right up to the UH60 and start humping it... There is some info on how to create a trigger on the bohemia wiki, but not enough to make it into a script.

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Try to place Game logic near the heli, where you want BMP to go.

Call it (for example) "position1".

Then in your trigger place:

"bmp1 domove getpos position1"

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Thanks for that, but I managed to fix it with the distance checker. I just changed it to 50 instead of 10 and it stops at a resonable distance. Even got the troops to debus, however they don't go into search and destroy mode (don't know how to do that with scripting).

Another thing i'd like to do is turning off unit locations on the map? Friendlies only if possible, but both if that's the only way.

I want to make it genuinely hard for the rescue team to locate the helo team, thus the helo team blowing up their helo to give them somewhere to work with.

If at all possible I'd love to be able to remove the map from the helo players, and if this is possible i'd love to know how. smile_o.gif

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Sounds pretty cool, i am trying something similar. How did you make the chopper damaged, did you have an AT guy attack it or just have the health low? If you did I am curious how to have a specific unit target another via trigger.

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The helo starts at a velocity of 200kph, and is already damaged to 0.6. A trigger with a delay of 8 seconds sets the damage to 0.7, which puts the rear rotor to the brink of destruction. At this damage level your fuel leaks out like crazy and you have less than 20 seconds to put the bird down.

to make the enemy move to the helo, I did this

condition: not alive heli

on activation bmp1 domove heli

(basically this is because you have to blow the heli as an objective)

you could have the condition for this to be "countcrew 0" or something too.

I would love to find out how to create a grenade or lots of bullets onto the UH60's rear rotor, hence ruining the rotor but leaving the rest of the bird undamaged.

Due to the fact that the bird is already damaged badly i have basically put in that she came under heavy fire whilst picking up a recon team.

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I am new to scripting so I am not sure how you set the speed,damage (init field of unit?) or mission file. Just thought it would be cool if you could see in the distance the chopper take fire (if you have your view distance set real far). Thats what I am trying to find for a similar mission. Im goign to keep an eye on your progress

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