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empty = civil

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just want to tell you something and maybe someone has a solution for me smile_o.gif

so I have an IED script, I'm activating it via a trigger: radius set; activation-anybody; once; blabla exec "ied.sqs";

so, I put that trigger over an empty car so that I have a car-bomb.

now everything seems to be fine, loading the mission the car just goes BOOM what it just should do when somebody gets in the area of the trigger.

so I began to wonder, then I set the activation to civil.

what happens?


I set the activation to west/east/resistance and nothing happend.

So I put an empty humvee instead of a normal car. Activation anybody...


activation civil


activation west/east/res with noone inside the triggerradius


so this is obviously a bug and I will report this later on BIS-Wiki, but my question is how I can do it now, that a non-specific-soldier only activates the bomb, not the car?

Greetings Eversmann

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I'm not sure, if I understand you correctly.

Do you mean, that you don't want to have the car exploded ?

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I want the trigger not to be activated by that car.

I mean it's a car bomb and it's quite useless when the trigger is activated by the car which has the bomb in.

I have a car named CAR1

I have a trigger, exactly over that CAR1

trigger options:

activation: anybody

radius 10x10

on activation: [CAR1,"huge"] exec "ied.sqs";

so, when I click on Preview, the Trigger is activated by CAR1.


CAR1 is an empty car -> empty -> support -> Ural Fuel

so the result is:

the Trigger is activated by the Empty class.

and I understand for anybody: west/east/resistance/civil/gamelogic

so, when I set the trigger to west/east/resistance the trigger is NOT activated by CAR1 (which is referring to civil).

I want to have a trigger, which is activated by "anybody" and not by CAR1 itself. Because CAR1 is the car with the "bomb" in it simulated by that trigger+script.

damn, wish my english would be better to explain more precise confused_o.gif

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Now I got the point !

This is very strange.

Gimme a sec, I'm gonna check it in the editor.

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Well, make a trigger activated by blufor with [CAR1,"huge"] exec "ied.sqs";

Then make a trigger activated by redfor with [CAR1,"huge"] exec "ied.sqs";

Then independent with [CAR1,"huge"] exec "ied.sqs";

then civilian

All covering the same area etc etc wink_o.gif

If neccesary, make the condition

this AND NOT triggerfired

and the activation (for all triggers)

[CAR1,"huge"] exec "ied.sqs"; triggerfired = true

On all triggers.

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erm thx I tried that too, but then I have 4 bombs inside the car which even go off after one bomb has distroyed the car.

sorry I would fix myself if I could, but I'm not very familiar with scripting and expressions etc. wink_o.gifwhistle.gifhuh.gif

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You're right. Damn it ! This is lame bug !

But I think that I know the solution.

But I can't get the "OR" function working !

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Condition: Value1 OR Value2 = nothing

also tested:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Condition: Value1 || Value2 = nothing

Am I doing something wrong with this ?

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erm thx I tried that too, but then I have 4 bombs inside the car which even go off after one bomb has distroyed the car.

sorry I would fix myself if I could, but I'm not very familiar with scripting and expressions etc.  wink_o.gif  whistle.gif  huh.gif

Like i said, change the conditions to

this AND NOT triggerfired

And the activations to

[CAR1,"huge"] exec "ied.sqs";

Make another trigger:

condition: True

Actvation: triggerfired = false

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make trigger type gamelogic

size 0 0

put on repeat

condion = isengineon car1

on activ [car1,blah] exec "blah.sqs"

edit ,looks like i didnt understand quetion. anywya heres one that will blow car ,if someone starts the engine

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There is a VERY easy way to do this. Using your original trigger (activated by anybody), replace the contents of your condition field with:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">({_X != CAR1} count thislist) >= 1

And the trigger will only activate when someone other than CAR1 is present.

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