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Sideradio/Sidechat help?

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Hi guys,

Apparently I've had a sudden bout of retardation, because I cannot for the life of me get radio messages to work.

I've made a multiplayer mission which works fine at the moment but it's a little bare. Basically you start at an airbase, jump into a couple blackhawks and MH6s and clear a nearby town. Apart from the "objective complete" markers and waypoints, there is very little direction.

What I intended was to have two radio messages. One at the start "The operation is a go. Proceed to the objective and flush them out!" and one once all hostiles are eliminated "Good work people, now come on home"

I tried copying the method used in BIS missions but it doesn't seem to work as well with me. I have created a stringtable.csv with:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">LANGUAGE,"English, German"

STR_MISSION,"The operation is a go. Proceed to the objective and flush them out!"

STR_COMPLETE,"Good work people, now come on home"

I put the first dialogue into a "BLUEFOR present" trigger, with HQ sideradio "complete" (I also tried STR_COMPLETE), and it comes up with "not found" or something when it starts the mission.

My Init.sqs file also has Papa = [West, "HQ"] in it.

At the moment I'm completely stumped. I used to make missions way back when, and then I didn't have problems with radio chat!

(I did try searching for ways to fix this on the forums but came up blank, so sorry if this is a really overdone question!wink_o.gif

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You have to add a radio message class to your description.ext file - check the wiki on code to cut and paste for this.

Then you need to add a corresponding .ogg sound file in a directory folder below the mission folder, usually called \sound (not sure if this is mandatory but since its in the wiki's ext snippet for the radio message class definition, I just found a little snippet of static and put it in there to reuse for all my radio calls). Once you do that it should work normally with a trigger or waypoint where:

mySoldier sideRadio "YourRadioMessage1"

Now if only I can remember how to make it show up with the name of the unit instead of 1-2-1-B in the text subtitle...

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Falken, if you don't want sound or want to mess around with a description.ext file:

Simply use <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Papa sideChat "Your message to be displayed"

sideRadio is used to show text with a sound file

sideChat is just for text only

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If you want it localized, use

sidechat localize "STR_COMPLETE"

and keep using the stringtable.

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Anyone remember how to assign a name to the speaker thats not its group place designation, ala 1-1-1-B without using a stringtable?

Is it:

[west, "Billybob"] sidechat "Hi you all";

Presuming I want the text to show up as:

Billybob: Hi you all


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Thanks for the help guys, that sidechat thing is just what I needed! I might add actual voice acting later.

Oh and hi Hillslam! It's TMC! wink_o.gif

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