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helicopter weapons

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I`m having trouble with the gunner in the helecopters,he will only use the chain gun. When i select the guided misiles i can only sometimes get a lock (even if i hover in front of the target) and even when i have a lock sometimes the missile heads for spase. the unguided  missiles i have never been able to use my gunner never fires them and if i take fire control the fire button doesnt fire them it just gives control back to the gunner crazy_o.gif . I`ve managed to get round most bugs i can even fly now(just) but u cant take out a t72 with a chain gun so i`m stuck with an inpodent chopper.

 As an after thought bacouse i`m playing the german game patched to english is there a list of all key commands in english,becouse i have found commands on the keyboard that are not listed in the game options. maybe i`m missing a key ?

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I've had the problem of Hellfires flying off in totally the wrong direction (and why isn't there a "missles" voice clip when switching weapons, there's one for the "gun" and "rockets"?)

I've been able to get a lock on any bright-red radar return with tab/joystick#2 without issue. I did have a heck of a time locking onto anything in the AH-1Z training mission.

FFARs should fire once you have a lock and put the dot over the target in gunner fire mode, although I don't think this is the best use for them. When I put FFARs or any weapon in manual fire mode they always come off the rail. Perhaps you should look up whether your controls are set for "Fire" or "Command Fire."

I also have German 1.01 translated to English and the translation is quite lacking. Typos in the subtitles, approximate meaning translations, and there's lots of bugs in the control setup screen... like binding the "Z" key to anything can be done but the "Z" key is invisible on screen (and a few others besides Z)!

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the whole chopper thing seems a bit messed up but at least BIS have agnoliged this and are doing a complete rework of it, just have to wait i supose. meamtime i`m in the prosses of doing my own key card in english from the one in german in the pdf file and the ingame control configer list, + what i`ve found myself throught experement. I`ll post it when finished and anybody can add anythig i might have missed whistle.gif

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