Dudester 0 Posted December 8, 2006 How do you get a better FPS because there just doesnt seem to be a good balance. For example in the desert i get 42 FPS but on entering a town this drops right down to 22 FPS. what are the main things that kill your FPS. I have disabled shadows wich i know is one of them i set post process effects low, apart from that everything set on normal. I have tried lowering AA but doesnt seem to have much of an effect, view distance 1200. So what am i doing wrong here. My specs: Geforce 7800 Cpu Amd 2200 Mhz 2gig Ram MSI Diamond motherboard Audigy 2 sound card 4 meg broadband connection Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JackHorner 0 Posted December 8, 2006 lol I replied to your comment in a nother thread but I guess you didn't read it. try this. In your gfx control panel turn on Vsync, and tripple buffering. now do this. The key to this tweak is cutting down the radius of scenery complexity. Heres how you do it. Goto your my documents folder and find this folder if you have made your own profile in arma. "ArmA Other Profiles" or this one if you are still using the default profile. "ArmA" Next step is to open "Jack.ArmAProfile" in notepad. Yours will be named a little different. Go to where it says "sceneComplexity" and change the settings like so. sceneComplexity=75000.000000; 75000 is the number I have so far found to be the best, as it gives a nice balance of FPS and view distance on my system. What this setting controls is how far objects will render from you, so the less the number the closer you will have to be to an object for it to render. A setting of 1000 makes objects like trees, buildings and everything else dissapear like 30 feet from you, so test out different numbers to find the best for you. The last step is saving the file and going into its properties and selecting "read only" so that the game will not change it back to defaults. Thats it! Enjoy your nice FPS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
troop 0 Posted December 8, 2006 Nothing Simple test: Without changing any other of your current settings, reduce your Viewdistance down to 500m (minimum) then one step up to 800m How much does your min/max FPS values change? (same locations for test on Sara) Please post results. --- After this test, I would suggest you find an area with really thick forrest or dense city area and setup your game within said area for your *minimum* desired framerate. (fiddling! ) If you cannot achieve your 'personal' minimum, try to settle for 25FPS minimum at all times. You may have to lower your resolution. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudester 0 Posted December 8, 2006 OMG i don't belive it. I went into the Nvidia control panel like you said and found somthing i did not expect to find. There was a slider for either quality or performance. It was set at quality so i slide it all the way to performance and pressed apply. This has baffled me because on my task bar for nvidia settings. I can tick if i want performance or quality and it was ticked High performance. I never knew you also had to go into the nvidia control panel and slide that also to performance. Can i just say i have had this card for 1 year and didn't know that. Can i also advise others to do this because now i'm getting 30 FPS in built up areas and 35-50 FPS in open Areas. Thanks for the help in telling me to go into nvidia control panel, instead of just the nvidia setting on the task bar otherwise i would have never found this out. I also found that by switching off vsync and tripple buffer and setting my screen refresh rate at 75 hertz that i gained an extra 5 FPS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites