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How can I win the mission "Big Bang"?

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I had a blast with this, but before the mission started I changed the explosives (group menu) to me, instead of Mr. Spec-Ops.

I crawled on the top of the hill near the wrecked Blackhawk, ordered my prone AI teamies to good cover arc positions with "hold fire" orders, adjusted my spot so as to see the radio and told my friends to open fire & simultaneously shot everyone on my own scope.

The camp was cleared quick but we missed the URAL drivers so I had to shoot them through the windshields as they were trying to drive off. Props to AI teammates on this, the other one was a great help and shot what I think was a full clip on the other URAL. I rushed into the camp with a pistol, killed two OPFOR guys who were hiding behind a building (invisible from the hill to the north) and rigged the explosives. ran away and blew them up.

Whee AI reinforcements time!

I placed the last charge I had to the road leading west of the camp and ordered the AI guys to "stand up" and run post haste north, into some bushes. and go prone again, into a position I hoped had a clear POV to the western gate of the camp.

I blew up the last charge when the reinforcement Ural came in and got into fullblown bulletspammer mode with the M24 and the M9; had a horrible prolonged firefight with them.

Fun note: my AI mates I re-positioned during the last firefight were already on the extraction point by the time the situation escalated very badly and the sniper took down people on the hill to the north of the compound shooting from the EXTRACTION POINT. You should not even see anyone from there? What? Also, same ol' AI ignores terrain bug? Too much shrubbery and trees to really see to that distance? Dunno, he was standing where the helo lands and I was zooming with binocs as he took down at least three OPFOR targets in the camp. Oh well...

Summa summarum: Fun mission.

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Thanks for the tips, gents.

I did a variation on this that ended oddly.

Armed myself as the saboteur, as mentioned above, from the briefing

screen. Had the 2 snipers hold fire, and laid 3 satchels in the road intersection

in the ville to the east.

Had them come down and open up from the SE and SW corners. I was at

the main gate picking off any runners. Only had 2, and the snipers did

in the rest quite handily. No truck left, but one did move a bit.

Sent them into the camp, and I drove the trucks out singly, and parked them

over the satchels. Detonated, and got objective to hit the chopper.

The Blackhawk hovered over the spot, but all I got was a re-arm icon.

As I ran around the back to try the other side, it boogied off without me.

Just out of the flat, it stayed low, and augered right into a tree and

burst into flame!


I got objective completed, but what a way to end it!

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Ordered my Sabeteur and other sniper to go prone, hold fire, and positioned them on ridge facing the base. I myself flanked right towards the base entrance. I shot several soldiers with M24 before I ordered them to open fire. One ural made a dash for it, and I tagged the front wheel of the truck with my M24. Then I moved in close with my M9 and killed the driver and a handful of other soldiers. Ordered sabeteur to place charges, moved everyone clear, blew the urals to hell, and ran.

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Finally I figured out best way to complete the mission for me:

I took the silenced assault rifle and equipped both teammates with sniper rifles. Positioned them above the base so that one overlooked the garage area and the other radio and told both to hold fire. Spotted a bunch of opfors and circled to the front gate.

Spotted some more opfors and then... Killed both gate guards lightning fast and ordered snipers to engage. Took out some opfors behind the houses which snipers couldn't see.

Then entered the base and moped up some 2 opfors hiding behind bushes. Planted explosives and ordered snipers to move to the extraction point. I took off also and detonated the charges.

Voila! Done

And I did all this just to die because of the goddamn stupid pilot. Idiot crashed the chopper into the house while trying to take off.

Luckily the mission finished though.

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after trying for ages to get over that bloody 30 cm high fence behind the trucks, in order to place charges, i changed tactic.

before i already gave my saboteur the Dragunov, took the ak74+gp25 myself. to work around the rambo AI kicking in if i switch team.

positioned both snipers, to cover the radio.

then i took out both urals with the gp 25, while the snipers decimated the infantry.

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I think the mission might be bugged. I managed (after several times) to kill everyone in the base. But for some reason the radio was used yet no one was near it. Even though it told me to run, run, run, I just waited for the reinforcements to reach the base and killed them all. Then me and the saboteur went into the base, and I ordered him to place the satchels. Then got far enough away and BOOM, mission complete.

Like I said, I think its bugged because A) somehow the radio was used, yet no one was near it. And B) even though reinforcements were called, the mission wasn't a failure.

So if somehow the radio is used, don't sweat it. Just wait for the Ural of reinforcements to come to the base and waste them. Then go in and blow up the trucks! Complete!

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