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I am just wondering if there is a SIMPLE way to change the weaponry of a soldier. What I want to do is, for example, to equip a BlackOps with an AT-4. Possibly even a M-60. Are there any easy ways to get this done? sad.gif


6423 Möllerström

42 Brig. PV-Kompaniet


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In the init field of the soldier type:

RemoveAllWeapons this

this Addweapon "weaponname"

this Addmagazine "Magazinename"

For Weaponnames and magazinenames look here

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You have to use addmagazine once for every magazine though. It should (optionally) have worked like addmagazinecargo.

I'd wish they were separated as "look" (3dmodel+skin) and weapons, which would be more like different weapons "presets".

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