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Stuck on Prison Escape

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In the campaign game where you escape from captivity, I can find bases with U.S. soldiers....but they shoot me:( I went to two different bases that had U.S. soldiers and every time they see me I get shot. It says you are supposed to go to the southern most part of the island, which I know for a fact I am at.....even if I somehow am not in the southern most part, which I doubt is the case anyway....why would friendly AI shoot me?sad.gif Any help to get around this will be greatly appreciated.

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I just did some screwing around in this mission....I grabbed a U.S. jeep at one of the bases and hauled ass down the road for awhile. I came to a base with no friendly soldiers..but I heard a bmp. The bmp dumped out some soldiers and when I shot them....it told me to cease fire......now I'm very confused. It was definitely russian soldiers I shot, but a radio message said to cease fire as if I was shooting friendly dudes, which could not have been the case. They shot at me, so they knew I was the enemy.

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I just did the mission all over again, but this time I escaped using the Hind instead of the bmp. When I escaped with the bmp, when I got a little outside of the base, I was automatically loaded to the middle of the island, but it was night and I didn't get to keep my bmp.

Escaping with the Hind worked though, I landed at the same base where those soldiers shot at me before.....but this time when I got out of the Hind the mission was completed. Weird.......still have no clue why friendlys were shooting at me and russians were telling me to cease fire before, lol. I guess they want you to use the chopper.

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Its a bug, because you are listed as 'Captive' until you steal a weapon, if you get into the BMP before grabbing an AK, it lists you as a Team killer, and so the Yanks still attack you, as do your 'Team' the Soviets.

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