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Scripts for using selectable dialogs

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This is a biggie, moving on in my project to what seems to be the last major script app, which is having dialog between player and ai where player can select a particular answer/or speech in text.

Now ive searched around, I took a look at NPD to see what was going on and see little of any sort of 'engine' in regards to this, there was also a topic here about a script program CrashDome made for SOW that had similiar capabilities, unfortunately the link is broken and on SOW site there is no link to download such a script.

I also have looked at scrolltext but it doesent add a feature to select during dialog, and looked at ProSphere Lite, which is insanely complex and more directed at using new key settings for actions.

So, Im asking for any help or maybe guidance to any type of script that allows one to use key functions to select from text choices during text messages showing.

My desire is to have blue colored half size of normal text where after showing text a player can hit a corresponding key (1,2,3) and make a choice.

So, basically, I need a script (most impotant) that allows me to assign like a variable to key functions, like 1-4 buttons, and I need to be able to change text to dif color and size, also at bottom of screen rather than middle/semi middle.

I know, this seems nuts to ask if this is around, but I thought I better do all the digging I can before I try to do this myself.

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Awsome, thanks AgentFox2 and CrashDome, the link AgentFox2 provided works, the other link CrashDome provided brings up an error, nonetheless I got it.

Thanks in advance for making that CrashDome, going to spend some time and see whats what with your program, of course if its implemented all due credit will be given in the mission wink_o.gif

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hmmm... worked for me under IE6,IE7, and Firefox

anyways, we appreciate the compliments and we are here help if needed.

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Looks great, exactly what I need, the system took some getting used to tho, but what do you expect lol, if I tried to do it myself it, well, prolly wouldnt have happened..

A couple quick questions tho..

One, I followed the readme instructions to a T, and copied all of that description.h text into my description.ext file, and got an error that said a particular part of the description was being defined twice. So I ended up seeing a bunch of the same stuff twice in there, so I removed it and copied what you have in the description.ext for the example mission, and it worked, but it that script in there is only half of whats in the description.h text, just wondered whats up with that.(most important that it works, just curious)

Also wondered if I could edit the dialog viewing scheme, and remove the menu background completely, leaving only the text to show, that would be awsome - I see the colors and whatnot in the description.ext, not sure how I would go about doing this..

Lastly, awsome! After about an hour of messing with it I got my first dialog session up between a particular female unit and player in a bar, with new sounds and all, pretty neat. I did notice that for some reason the text for the dialog selections dont stack, that is if they are long the extra text dissapears out the side of the menu box, I think I can just put in \n here and there to fix that tho.

Great program, one can do all sorts of stuff with this, make dialogs that lead to tasks for the player to complete, and then make new dialogs once you come back after completing the task, etc .. Pretty limitless program.

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Strange... I looked at my description.h file and it was ok but then I dl'd it off the website and you are correct. The description.h file is incorrect. I will replace it promptly.

You can certainly change the background colors and other values if you are a little adept at working with dialogs. You can find that these values are mostly what you ar looking for:

[EDIT] first three numbers are R,G,B and last is Alpha (Opacity) -- choose numbers between 0 (none) and 1 (full)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// Colors

#define SOW_DD_Background {0,0,0,1}

#define SOW_DD_Background2 {0.05,0.05,0.05,.9}

#define SOW_DD_TransBackground {0,0,0,0}

#define SOW_DD_MenuText {1,1,1,1}

#define SOW_DD_LBTextG {0.1,0.5,0.1,1}

#define SOW_DD_LBTextB {0.1,0.1,0.5,1}

#define SOW_DD_Text {0.8,0.8,0.8,1}

#define SOW_DD_ButtonText {0,0,0,1}

However, you can also change size and location of controls if you are good at that.

Regarding having a second line in the selections: not possible.

OFP does not allow a "listbox" with multiple lines per item and "\n" will show up as "\n". I've tried everything and even tried to figure out how BIS did it on the multiplayer role selection screen (they have the computer icon and two lines of info for each list item) but it is hardcoded and not possible to do with the limitations of the script commands and description.ext file. You are stuck with making it longer and smaller typed if you want to fit in alot of text or use maybe "..." to symbolize more text.

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Thanks for the reply.

I have no clue how to alter any of this aside from what you have told me regarding colors, which are fine as is.

If I merely wanted to have only the text showing would it be a simple thing to do, and if so could you indicate what I would input to remove the menu background?

Edit// To be morespecific to just leave the text and the 'ok' and 'cancel' clickables - wondering if the color schemes can be changed to where the menu aside from text would be completely invisible..

Sorry, if I am being a lil too asking here, just wondered if it was a simple thing, not that big of a deal, I do appreciate the program either way wink_o.gif

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All of those values I've shown above you can set the last digit from 1 to 0 to make it transparent.

So start with the ones with the word "background" in it and set the last digit to 0.

Recompile (i.e. save mission and replay it) to see your changes.

You change colors by making a combination of Red, Green, and Blue values... i.e 0,0,1 = Blue ... 0,1,0 = Green... 0,1,1 = yellow ... 0, 0.5 , 0.5 = Dark yellow...

As I said the last digit is for transparency so set the last digit to 1 to have it a solid color and 0 or some value in-between to make it "see-through"

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Great! thumbs-up.gif

Thanks a bunch, I really liked the way they set up the dialogs in Kotor, and was hoping for something similiar, just showing the text, so that will do er - pretty neat stuff CrashDome, I made use of a few switchmoves in the responses and it really is neat to see the ai characters do animations during the conversation.

Alright, well c u around and thanks again biggrin_o.gif

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