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Crime City Tournament

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<span style='color:Red'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Crime City – Online Warfare Edition</span></span>

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Addons</span>



Total Seize

Unpacked: 33.7 MB

Packed: 14.8 MB

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Introduction </span>

Your name is Hank and your sitting on the bus heading for Crime City The streets are filled of violence and criminals. The only loyal friend you will find here is your gun. You got serious business in mind but so does 9 other criminals which makes your chances of reaching the top are 0. While watching your back for friendly fire you have to keep an look out for the rats, 55,uncle blue, the cops. Wreckless, rudeless and fearless they patrol the streets with eyes watching every corner Get yourself ready to Crime in Crime City!!!!!!

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Civilians</span>

There are 10 civilians, equal to each other. Their objective is to gain as much respect as possible by the end of the game. The Civilian with the most money wins. Civilians are obligated to follow the law. They can however break it but have to face the fact they will end up in jail for their crimes. When a civilian dies there is 3 minutes spawn time.

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Cops</span>

Information:The Police Officers job are to obtain the law and prevent people from breaking it. This means they can pullover anyone at any time. However, Police abuse can be reported to Admins (Spectators)

Rules: Police officers maybe only use their gun and break the speed limit if a they are being threatened and if someone has committed a crime. They may not be driving around like maniacs going like Indy500.

Cop1:Main Police Officer, incharge of all other officers, hands out orders.

Cop2:Secondary Officier, incharge of the prison and bank

Cop3:Regular Officer, just follows the instructions given.

Cop4:Regular Officer, just follows the instructions given.

Cop5:Regular Officer, just follows the instructions given.

There are 5 police officers equipped with M16 rifles and automatic pistols. If needed they are able to use armed vehicles and choppers. Everything to bring down their suspect. But rember, the Officiers follow alot of rules and shouldl not be seen as enemies, their goal is to prevent people from doing crimes. Not Prevent civilians for getting alot of respect.

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Jailhouse</span>

Information:The Jailhouse is a place where the bad people end up. If you commited a crime you will see the inside for 5 to 60 minutes, all depending on what level it is. When you served your time a Police officer will pick you up. If you manage to espace and get caught, you will serve your current time + 20 minutes for breaking out.

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Crime System</span>

There are 3 level of crimes possible, and a 4th no one smart will commit.

<span style='color:Red'>Level 1:</span>

Includes: Speeding, driving mistakes, wrong parked, not doing what being told by an officer and have received 3 warnings. Offroad driving.

Jailtime:5-10 minutes

<span style='color:Red'>Level 2:</span>

Includes: Wreckless driving, damage to property, possessing a weapon, not stopping when being pulled over, stealing cars or robbing a bank. Escaping jail and running around with a gun visable (NOTE: Having a gun is no crime aslong its hidden)

Jailtime:10-20 min

<span style='color:Red'>Level 3:</span>

Includes: Wounding officers/attemped murder, multi damage to property, firing a gun outside firerange limits, killing or wounding another civilian.

Jailtime:20-30 min

<span style='color:Red'>Level 4:</span>

Includes: Killing an officer or mass killing of civilians.


<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Game Structure </span>

You start with 500$. You can go to a workplace and collect 500$ every 2 min. This will not make you come far. In order to reach the top, you have to commit crimes to earn the big money. This is very hard when not even having a gun. You can buy a gun license and a gun at the different locations on the map. You also have to buy a license and a car to be able to go somewhere. For the cheep ones, there is always the bus or a nice walk. You can rob stores, smuggle weed, deliver stolen god. Or you can get others do to it for you. Meanwhile everyone are doing crimes, you can make organized crimes. Hook up with a 2 other civilians, give them a fast car, two guns and 30% of the cut from the bank.

There are very few limits of what you cant do, but always listen to the man with a gun pointing at you. If you want to reach the top, get others to do your dirty job. The last thing you want to do is to get killed. If you get killed you will lose 50% of your money and respect, so don´t get killed unless you manage to drive into a tree.

Your Directors for this tournament will be -






<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Map Updates</span>



Busses: You are now able to take the bus between different locations.

Energy: You have to eat and every crime you commit makes you lose energy.

Respect: By doing crimes you gain respect

Markers Each different building have a market, making it easier orientate.

Factories: Buy drug factories, whore houses and much more.

Store: Buy a club, pup or a restaurant.

Logos: I have added Logos and such now

Spectating Script: So admins can record and reff!

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Map Bugs</span>

TBA wink_o.gif

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Indeed it does.

How do I signup?

Trough the topic at your forum?

Just aslong as the copcars have sirens, not just horns...


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Just make a post with your name and the info it requires.

Like i said in the other post on the forum there. I might remove the Civilians markers meaing the Cops will have a living hell to capture the criminals, but hten again, if they get caught, they will end up in prison smile_o.gif

It will be nice to see how the police can organize roadblocks, scout helicopers etc.

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How about using TS/Ventrilo or alike as a radio?

Instead of writing, takes so much more time.

It can look like this;

TS/Vent server

-Civilian Channel

Civ 1

Civ 2

Civ 3




-Police Channel

Cop 1

Cop 2

Cop 3



And then the cops have binds (in vent, something other in TS I think) so they can also talk in Civilian channel with another hotkey.

That would be really good.




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new topic smile_o.gif

Civ Marker might get removed to make it more towards Gang Crime and add more realism to it.

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Sounds great. I was only thinking of Crime City the other day (before i had seen this thread) and was searching for it but could only find a similar one (but not the same). Will be sure to try and attend.

Do you have a URL yet for the download to the Pack?

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Ill keep you updated how it turns out, will be fun to see how it will work.

Picture of the Officers wink_o.gif


First game 1

crimecity8js.jpg Too bad map bugged and we had to end the match!

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