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Wounded Bee

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This mission is made by tyrell, it's called "wounded bee"

Here's the link to the mission.

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Okay how do I go about doing this? Because I've never been good at command a squad, maybe a small one but when it comes to a bunch more even 12 as many as OFP can handle it's hard for me to do it because all my squad ends up getting killed and I end up beating the mission anyways myself.

Here are the statistics for the mission incase you've never played it. Well I play as a leader of the resistance army of an 8man squad. Our main objective is to steal the enemy hind and fly it to safety. Also to destroy the 3 shilkas guarding the hind before we take off or else it would be hard to fly away. Here are the units I have...

This mission also takes place on the island of Le Port, Malden where the action will take place.


1) Leader w/RPG (ME)(3RPG's)

2) Sniper 1

3) Sniper 2

4) AK47/Grenadier

5) RPG soldier (3RPG'S)

6) Machine Gunner

7) AK47 Soldier

8) Machine Gunner

That's what I have for my team..Now time for the east army info.


Le Port:

This city has atleast 10-15 soldiers and 1 shilka. It also has a BMP patrolling the area from Le Port to the Port at sea which is just to the west of Le Port (that's where our hind is parked)





-3 M2 Machine gun nests.

-about 15-20 soldiers on the port

-The other 2 shilkas are in or by this port.

-Also the briefing says there is also more shilkas around Le Port and the port near Le Port. Quanity is unknown.


Also there looks to be like reinforcements will come once you are spotted farther from the west. (although I have tested this and it doesn't seem like there's any reinforcments but some I think came by boat.

TIPS: The chopper does not fly away once you've been spotted

Also no land reinforcments seem to come only some by sea. So I'm guessing the strenght of the enemy consists of

40-50 soldiers

8-15 Armored tanks including shilkas.

So if someone could give me some tips on how to go about this, and i think that trying to keep every man alive is going to be very difficult if you ever get spotted in a tight situation like this. Also Le Port is not as heavily Guarded as the "port" is where the shilka is parked..

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