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Error: Only 63 groups ....

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hi guys !

im making a mission in the editor, and suddenly when i placed a new unit i have an error mesage:

"Only 63 groups for each side are supported".

(i have a lot of units that have no group, like stand-alone).

what can i do ?

plz help.

huh.gif  sad_o.gif

(i have Flashpoint Ressistance, V 1.96 )

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Group a few of youre man. In OFP every unit is counted as a group, doesn`t matter how many units in that group (max12).

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In OFP every unit is counted as a group, doesn`t matter how many units in that group (max12).

I think what Mr_Tea means to say is that even if you have one unit that isn't grouped to anybody, he counts as a group.

Group units together. If you need so many separate units because you want them to stand in specific places, then putting this in a unit's init field will make them stay still until combat starts:

dostop this

Make sure their "special" field is set to "none" (not "start in formation).

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thanks for help ! smile_o.gif

general baron, that tip works and they dont move. but theres a problem . they aoutomaticly go to "SAFE" mod (especialy the tanks) and they look in strange directions and not to the direction that they should look (in the unit placment options, the angels) huh.gif

can i fix it ?

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Find a bush or something some distance from the unit in the direction you want them to watch and give them a doWatch instruction:

doWatch (object xxxx)

(where xxxx is the object ID of the bush or something)

I have not used this for tanks - only soldiers. Soldiers don't go to SAFE. Try giving the tanks a setBehaviour "AWARE" instruction as well. (or maybe "STEALTH")

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Quote[/b] ]but theres a problem . they aoutomaticly go to "SAFE"

Tanks go into Safe Mode whenever you put something in thier init field. You can either call the DoStop commands from the init.sqs or set their combat mode to something different yourself.

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Tanks go into Safe Mode whenever you put something in thier init field.

Wow. That's an odd "feature" I've never noticed before. crazy_o.gif

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