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ability of loading trucks with sandbags and stuff

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I searched for these terms digging trenchs loading trucks nothing specific topics really came up so I made one admins sorry if you think different.

I guess you'd need a crater effect for digging trenches but I think it'd be cool if you could set up a trucks with unloadable fort stuff, and maybe setting up the m2 maching gun instead of it just being there and then posibly I'm not sure on this idea maybe as a option for some who like it and some who don't like it, changing barrals of hot machine guns maybe cleaning them to somehow

but maybe not have that in multiplayer

since it'd be time consuming, I know alot of you don't want eye candy, cause makes you need high performance machines to handle all the action, well I tell you, I have a dream, that one day we can look to the future for eye candy shock and awe. and not be afraid of it, but instead embrassing it tightly. THIS IS THE TIME, THIS IS THE FUTURE! my friends yay.gif it's peanut butta jelly time, peanut butta jelly time, wayyyyy wiegh that

I'm just saying, to summerize that I saw a Xbox 360 demo at best buy, and the game king kong had such amazing graphics I pray flashpoint will have ocean effects like that at the menuofkingkong, I will buy terra byte harddrives if flashpoint required it. and terra byte ram drives


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Deformable terrain was suggested multiple times. While it ill be not there with ArAs there may be a chance that it will be included in NGG.

Overheating and worn barrels were also among the long list of suggestions.

Basically not for every issue a separate topic is created. They all unite under several threads like changes to physics, etc.

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