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Which flag for a fictional country?

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Thanks for all the suggestions and all, they look great. but they just aren't the things that looks to be representing the country well.

Llauma: it looks good but there are three stars. the government has only one commander. a dictator. so the three stars are out. But the black does catch the eyes of most of the team.

vektorboson: it looks too communist. but it has great detail.

Major Fubar: your flag looks like it shows too much rebellion and not to much of a representation of a country

Commander-598: not safe for German computers, it resembles too much of Nazi Germany.

StealthTiger: good touch but most of us have one question... "whats with the hollow six-pointed star?"

Edit to Moderators: this thread seems to be changing into a discussion thread than a voting one. i would appreciate it if you can change it to that way if you can, or just disable the voting. It looks like it will be a thread with continual updates

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StealthTiger: good touch but most of us have one question... "whats with the hollow six-pointed star?"

Just a star.. if you don't like that one, try this one:


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The green takes away from it. this is what looks great but i just think there should be more done. just to make something different, but i can't figure it out.


i feel like its the star and wreath that need improvement. but they both have to stay. another fork.

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doesn't seem right. i thought about putting a black ring around the circle and have the star and wreath black. but my corrections looked a bit weird so i tossed the idea. I was reffering to the same exsact star and wreath (that shown on all of the flags). I'm looking into changing the colors of the star and wreath, but both of them will always be the same color.

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