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GiB SunSeeker


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I think that the multiplayer side of OFP should be the main priority for the game developers if OFP is going to become the classic we all know it can be.

People have accused the developers of inserting a multiplayer feature as an after thought to what was originally a single player project. I tend to disagree with this...the way that you can skin your face so that everyone can see it without having to download it into your games folder...the way that the squad page works...and the way that the squad logo and title appears on vehicles I feel are quite inovative and show that some thought has gone into making the game look attractive to multiplayer gamers.

All these things although very nice, are just the icing on the cake. I'm sure that all of us would willingly sacrifice all these features if the netcode permitted large numbers of players to play WITHOUT LAG.

A feature that has been mentioned which I also feel is important is the ability of being able to join a multiplayer game that is already running...It is unfortunate that the developers have already said that they will not be developing this feature in the near future...OFP games take much longer to play than say CS and TO...PEOPLE WILL JUST NOT BE WILLING TO WAIT HALF AN HOUR JUST TO PLAY A GAME. I will refer to the game that most people use as a benchmark in mp gaming, Tribes 2...In this game the servers can run in two modes..."public mode" where individuals just log on for mindless fragging and playing...and "Tournament mode" in which all the gamers must be available before the match starts (used for squad gaming). In one of the posts, one of the developers mentioned that ofp favours team gaming...you are probably right...T2 is also like that...but the reality is that most of the gaming in games like t2, etc. occurs in public open servers and that running around like a headless chicken, killing anything who's name appears in red on the screen is fun too...

The *GiB* squad are lucky. Not only do we have very powerful computers that can act as servers, but we also have full ethernet network access to our isp, so dedicated server lag should not occur. We still do not have the dedicated server patch, but I guarantee you that we will have ofp dedicated servers as soon as it becomes available to us...we will also persist with the game as we enjoy playing it immensely...and try to get the mp game to work well.

If the multiplayer problems continue however...we'll be forced to scrap the servers...and use our hardware for games that are playable...which is a pity because that would mean that we'd stop playing what is essentially a brilliant game. I know that mods and campaigns are cropping up but don't count on those to maintain the ofp community if they are not playable in mp mode.

If OFP is going to become a cult game, and a classic, its the multiplayer feature and its ease of use that needs to be sorted out.

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I hope that once BIS see the impact on online gaming with the CO-OP and MP that it will all be sorted and I'm sure CodeMasters (their not masters ar all) will help them out

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well said sunseeker.

OFP is a game to which all other similiar games will be compared to.

its simply the best out there, and i doubt even BIS know the full potential of the game as a online game, as far as singleplayer goes....it is great, the best.

but after you completed a map playing it again is much easier, there is no (or very little) variation.

all singleplayer games are like that, allways has been always will be.

but online, a map you have played a hundred times offer suprises as everytime u play u play with and against different people.

online gaming is the future for OFP, its unbeatable in it, the feeling when you play, to see a truck go by, hear a bmp close in...there are no words to describe it when

everything happens cos of individual persons working together.

but after a while the maps get more and more empty, people get disconnected for different reasons, they get stuck in bugs and leave the game....the longer you play the more deserted the map becomes.

after a while a large map designed for 14 people is only played by 3 players, there are still vehicles to use, choppers to fly, weapons in ammocrates.....but no more players, the ones disconnected earlier for different reasons cant rejoin.

possibly they connect again using my ip and ask when the server is going to be restarted, but what to say to them when there are still 9 players having fun and playing the game?

so you dont restart the server, they leave of boredom, after 10 minutes only 3 remain and we have to restart the server...so we have to go back to gamespy and pick up more players, but the ones i played with earlier are now in other rooms..forcing me to play with unknown people and everyone is using there own tactics...

there will be no "lets do it as the last time"

i remember when i played df and suddenly a team-mate could send me a icq-message asking me to join a game where his team was outmanned and/or getting beaten up.

as i join i see other known names and we fight off the enemy and take control of vital parts in a ctf map for example....

if df would not have let me join a game in progress id have to wait outside for 30 minutes in some cases, and i could in no way change to outcome of the game or help my buddies who were outnumbered.

if df had been like that i would not have played it for 3 years.

(Edited by Pete at 11:39 am on Sep. 2, 2001)

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People's custom faces from online games

ARE downloaded into your games folder.

They are there somewhere. under the name of the player in the internet game who had the face.

This way you can steal other peoples cool faces


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