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multiplayer wishlist

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some minor improvements could be made to help with internet or lan gameplay

1. divvy up the roster screen (the one that pops up when you hit "I") into side sections. West, east, resistance, civillian. make it alot easer to see whos on your team

2. a toggleable latency monitor (much like the halflife netgraph) would be nice. the red and yellow boxes are quite uninformative, other than telling you "bad" and "worse" a packet monitor would be nice too.

3.no more "wait for server" screen, let the waiting players see the list of maps, and possibly even vote for their favorites (could be good for dedicated server)

4. vote kick, to get rid of disruptive and childish players

5. editor option to respawn a player with assigned weapon/equipment. or possibly the weapon they started with, just without ammo

any comments, suggestions, death threats?

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I agree on everything, and I expecially hope that all the respawn system will be redone, since now is a little... well, "weird". ;-)

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the votekicking specially is a good ídea.

also..a alternative to gamespy could be good..or atleast a option to join a game in progress

the thing is..playing in gamepsy can be hard.

first u find a room and join it..then you wait for more players..sometimes 15 mnutes.

and then host closes the room and goes to sleep.

or if you get in a game and its going really well and its a lot of fun...half of the opposing team leaves and ur forced to go back to game spy and pick up more people...would be better if we could just join a game in progress..if someone drops out there will be some one to fill out the empty spot.

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no..dedicated server is just you dont have to play

Non dedicated = Play and Host

Dedicated is = only host...so more CPU power to host more people with less lag..

You still have to join through GAMESPY or know the right ip adress.

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the host as had teh abilaty to kick players since 1.10 now he can also ban them.

dedicated server i havent see any improvemnt at best on a t3 monster machine you may get 24 peeps in room

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Rax on 10:37 pm on Aug. 30, 2001

no..dedicated server is just you dont have to play

Non dedicated = Play and Host

Dedicated is = only host...so more CPU power to host more people with less lag..

You still have to join through GAMESPY or know the right ip adress.

<span id='postcolor'>

oh so dedicated server wont work like in UT or Q3? sad.gif

*sniff* wwwwwwaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Please give us an in-game listing of all servers for multiplayer action, just like Half-Life or Tribes2.

Also please give us ability to join an active game, even if we have to wait for the round to be over.

Thanks Brad Hoesman

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