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Making Helicopters Land

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Hi Folks,

I've gone about twenty pages deep into the archives and haven't found and a solution to a problem I'm having - I can't get a helicpoter to land in my custom mission.

I have tried all the order options for the helicopter at the specific waypoint but it just hovers, it will not land to allow my infantry unit to get in. I have synchronized the infantry's 'get in' waypoint and the helicopoter's waypoint but no luck.

I am sure it is something simple I have overlooked. Any help is much appreciated!

Edit: I'm using version 1.96

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The helicopter waypoint must be "load" and syncroniced with "get in".

In case that this is not working, may happen with some addons, in the waypoint write unitname land "land",make another waypoint for the heli "load",place the "load" waypoint over the "land" waypoint, and now place the infantry waypoint over it where you tell them "get in". The "load" and the "get in" waypoints must be synchroniced and at the same spot as the "land" waypoint.

I think an "invisible H", found under "objects" in the editor, must be at the same place where you make the "land" waypoint.

The fist way is simple, but the second will make sure that the heli lands exactly at the "invisible H".

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Alternatively, you could type in the activation box of the waypoint. helicoptername land "land"

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