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FA Dalai Lamar

What is involved with making a mod?

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Hey guys, creating a small mod that will not really replace everything, What do I have to do to creat a mod folder and working mod. Basically I want to add a ton of units without running outa video memory. Will I have to create an entirely new BIN, SOUND, ADDON etc directory, or can I do a basic config just for the units in the new mod using the sounds and values from the addons in the original Bis Addon directory?


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if you want just a mod that doesnt replace any exsisting units or sounds you just need to create a mod folder and another folder named addons inside it, then just put all the addons you want in your mod inside your addons folder and thats all there is to doing it.

if you want unit replacement then you will need to edit the config.bin by first changing it into a config.cpp and then editing it from there. I think there was a unit replacement tutorial somewhere on OFP.info .

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if you want just a mod that doesnt replace any exsisting units or sounds you just need to create a mod folder and another folder named addons inside it, then just put all the addons you want in your mod inside your addons folder and thats all there is to doing it.

if you want unit replacement then you will need to edit the config.bin by first changing it into a config.cpp and then editing it from there.  I think there was a unit replacement tutorial somewhere on OFP.info .

not only with replacing units you have to do more then creating folders.. also when you want another main menu lay out, you have to edit some more textfiles.

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