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Sound editingdescribe

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Okay, I thought little time will i put this here or mission editing, but i put it here, it's kinda mission editing question, but Moderators can move this needed.

Okay, now let's cut the bullshit. I have mission and i have sounds for it. They're speech, files where some people say something. I have one problem. Voice actors have done great job but sounds doesn't sound very good in battle. For example, there is tank comin in mission, and squad leader shouts to player something like "Tank is coming, destroy it!". The problem is that it plays the sound file, but you can hear in sound that it is recorded in empty room. I can't describe it very well with my english, but you know, in battle there should be some action on background... Now comes the sound with dead quiet background, where is some echos of empty room (or something like that). So have you some tips how to edit sounds bit more realistic or is there anything to do anymore, or do we need to record voices again?

Thanks if someone happens to get point of my message... icon_rolleyes.gifhelp.gif

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use a sound editing program like Soundforge to edit the sounds to your needs. You can add a second layer to your sound , for example some battlebackground, distort the sound to make it sound like a radio transmission, add various echos, make the sound stutter by silencing parts, phase it to add atmospheric turbulences and so on smile_o.gif

Just play around with the effects and you´ll find out that they are very usefull for good editing of sounds. I also recorded voices of different characters on my own by editing them in Soundforge. Just play around with the pitch to increase or decrease the tone height by keeping the initial lenght of the sample. This way you can make samples for various personalities on your own.

Hope this helps.

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OKay, thanks, i have also some very good sound editing tools on computer and i have tried to play with them but still haven't found anything...

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