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AI Runways

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Thought I better post this here. I've started on the ATC Taxi routines, and I'm trying to work out of to position multiple aircraft when taking off. Plus, just to make sure the whole thing looks acceptable?


There is not a lot I can do about Nogova's default hangers, anything larger than an A10, is cramped. I know they would probably not taxi out of hangers, but in the absence of ground crew and vehicles.


It was this that had me thinking. Is this to crowded for a real life scenario, just before take off?

I was also wondering how much time I should wait between takeoff's? I can take as long as I want, they will fly a circuit until they’re all formed up, if it's required. But would there be times when the necessity for speed out weighs the safety factors?

There is also a ruff video, F16's. Fraps kills my frame rate, plus I had to run OFP at 2x Accelerated time to get as much as I could. It looks a lot smoother in game.

ATC Hanger & Taxi (4.8 mb)


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Guest RKSL-Rock
Quote[/b] ]It was this that had me thinking. Is this to crowded for a real life scenario, just before take off?

In military ops its not that uncommon for a group to taxi out to the runway together and take off either together or very shortly after each other.

Civil traffic is usually a lot more spaced out.

Hope it helps. You may be able to find ATC and ground movement spacings either on:

CAA Webpage

JAA Website

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depends on the planes most of the times.

also sometimes fighters go on QRA which means Quick reaction alert and they tend to taxi allot faster!

And then you have the occasional single flight going to for a mission, but you also have peak hours when they send out multiple aircraft. I would say they taxi a bit further away from eachother...>>> I dont know if you could line 2 up the runway at the same time??

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wow, thats amazing!!!

I'm realy looking forward to this!

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I'm continually amazed at the level of dedication within our OFP ranks. We've a guy working on just grass....and here's UNN working on airfield related stuff.

When do you sleep, UNN? notworthy.gif

Hope you're not spreading yourself too thin, between this stuff and your debarking helos scripting. yay.gif

Keep up the good work.

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Quote[/b] ]In military ops its not that uncommon for a group to taxi out to the runway together and take off either together or very shortly after each other.
Quote[/b] ]Civil traffic is usually a lot more spaced out.
Quote[/b] ]sometimes fighters go on QRA which means Quick reaction alert and they tend to taxi allot faster!

Thanks, this is exactly what I was after. I'm thinking along the lines of three or four different modes. Something like Alert, Combat, Commercial and Low?

Alert being the quickest (bringing everything at a lower priority to a halt, and cleared out of the way).

Combat would keep things ticking over at a fast pace.

Commercial & Low are probably the same. Giving plenty of room between flights and not taxing the CPU quite as much.

Quote[/b] ]You may be able to find ATC and ground movement spacings either on:

CAA Webpage

JAA Website

Cheers I will take a closer look. Although on first glance, they might be a bit to technical for me sad_o.gif But just getting a handle on some of the terminology, will speed up a search.

Quote[/b] ]I'm continually amazed at the level of dedication within our OFP ranks. We've a guy working on just grass....and here's UNN working on airfield related stuff.

Unfortunately for me, it seems like it's always the long winded and over complicated ideas that peak my curiosity smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]When do you sleep, UNN?

Lol..A more telling question would be, when was the last time I did a proper days work biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Hope you're not spreading yourself too thin, between this stuff and your debarking helos scripting.

Nah, I will be plodding along with the runways for some time, I want the debarkation scripts finished quite quickly. It's is an old idea that offers a bit of light relief, and a favour for someone else. But it's ultimately going to be incorporated into the AI runways. It should work just as well debarking from military and commercial aircraft.


Quote[/b] ]I dont know if you could line 2 up the runway at the same time??

Sorry Manhunter, forgot to reply to this question. It all depends on the type of taxiways you defign:


The box sections in the image define areas that would be locked when occupied by an aircraft. So you would just define a couple more on the runway itself.


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