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Flashes torch

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is it possible to simulate a unit flashing a torch on off quickly?

I have a chooper heading towards the coast at night and want the guy on the ground to flash a torch on off.

Create a flare breifly at 1m height for a second???

something like that?

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_positionObj = _this select 0

_flare = _this select 1



_temp = _flare camcreate [getpos _positionObj select 0, getpos _positionObj select 1, 1]


deletevehicle _temp



_temp = _flare camcreate [getpos _positionObj select 0, getpos _positionObj select 1, 1]


deletevehicle _temp




goto "start"

That would make a flare that flashes on for 0.5, and of for 0.3, on for 0.5, of for 10 seconds, then repeat

You can change the timings, and how many flashes on/off

The script it called by :

[this,"flare"] exec "scriptname.sqs"

I included the changable flare bit so you dont need to change the create "flare" thing on every line if you decide to change the object smile_o.gif

Hope it works/you understand it

- Ben

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