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about running dedicated server

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How fast machine I need to run dedicated server? I have mu trusty old backup machine connected to the net as well, wich I could use, but its quite slow :/

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800+ mhz for 8 ppl 128+ megs ram

the higher you go the more you can have, less you have less ppl (one could almost say 1-2 pers per every 100 mhz depending on net speed)

DSL can handle 6-10 with no lag

Cable 8-12

depending on ISP

more with T1's ect

on a lan you can get 12+

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..so any change to run dedi for 2-3 players w/ p200 w/ 256 mb ram / 256/128 kbit/s connection? ..I tought the server would not be running any graphics but just sending info about the game state to clients. Is this correct?

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hi, well... this depends also of the type of mission you wish to run... coop missions need a lot of CPU from the server, 'cause the server manages all the IAs...

as an example: a PIII750@825 is sometimes too slow to handle 'medium' coops... well the simplest is to try, and use the #monitor to see what's happening on the server...

the 'CPU' number shows you if your comptuer is fast enough... BIS put a cap at 50 FPS... if you're below, the CPU is too slow, if you're at 50, the CPU is fine... the lower the number, the lagger the game... smile.gif

I don't speak about network here, but #monitor shows you also this... you should look at the 'out' number to see if your network connection provides enough bandwidth...

C U :cool:

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