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2G4U Assulter


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Ok i made the Campign with missions and stuff...put it togather in a map , with the OFP Campaign editor going into the game , selecting everon , selecting my campign...bam =\ the game crash and gives me a error  (attached pic)

anyone now wat this means? wat i need 2 change? or other way to put campaign togather?

/Sulter  confused.gif

Click here for pic... I know it is BMP , cannot save in JPG in windows 98 Paint  confused.gif

but its only 165 smile.gifproblem.jpg

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There's an error in one of your description.ext files. It encountered a '.' where it was looking for a '{'. I suggest that you go through each description.ext file carefully and look for any typo's...

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ok im gonna do that now...but i aint good on this ...it was made by OFP Campaign Editor ...so i dont now...but il look for it...


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