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uscg pilot 12

calling on aircraft makers of anyt type

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ok im sure ur all tired of seeing my threads on the forums trying to start squads or mods but this is one i think i might get some help on im starting a mod its small not to big its gonna deal with making aircraft. im gonna need modelrs scripters texture artists and maybe a person(s) to make a pilot

if your intrested which i dont think ill get alot of emails or messages

u can send me an email at terminatorx3@comcast.net thats also my msn if u want to contact me perosnally or i u please u can send me a pm here at the forums

i hope i get a reply or to but if i dont thats alright dont feel bad if u dont want to xmas_o.gif thanks for takin the time to hear me out and read my dumb thread

i realize that i added a t to the word any in my topic name bad typing on my part * embarrsed look*

o and if u think im trying to have the guilt trip look to my post im srry didnt mean for it to come out that way tounge_o.gif

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