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Mission Editors user guide..

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Is there a users guide for using the mission editor within the game?

I have done a search and came up empty handed. sad_o.gif Is it a fairly staight forward editor, or do you need to know your progaming codes? Or can it be used easily, like some flight sims with drop down menus and such?

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start simple. There is no end the amount of things you can put into your missions. Take baby steps. There are a bunch of basic tutorials on the site. Go to where it says Editors Depot up top and then look at the side bar. There is somthing that says "browse tutorials" start there.

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If you want to make simple missions the mission editor is not hard and is very easy to use.  It does, however, allow you to do complicated and advanced things if you wish.

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How do you select units?? I know this probably sounds real stupid.I clicked on the tab at the top of the mission editor, also pressed the F1 key...nothing....

I will take your advice, thanks nubbin and check out that site.

Thanks for the replies.

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Thanks agentfox. I had a difficult time finding a guide there.

I can't get over the potential of this game!!

Fot the life of me I can't figure out why it is not more popular here in Canada.

It seems if its not new, or eye candy, its not popular.

I've never really gone for the popular stuff in anything anyway.

I heard about this game on the Net, glad I found it. Imagine, I got CWC for $5, and Resistance for $2.

Easily the best $7 I have ever spent. smile_o.gif

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Try Abuu's Eiditing Tuorial or Johan Gustafsson’s Editing Tutorial both available from Ofpec.com (Browse Tutorials) this are really good to give you an idea of the basic commands and how to use the editor wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]How do you select units?? I know this probably sounds real stupid.I clicked on the tab at the top of the mission editor, also pressed the F1 key...nothing....

This took me forever to figure out too and it was purely by frustration that I found it out. DOUBLE CLICK on the map part of the editor to place a new unit / marker / trigger / waypoint.... tounge_o.gif

It was so obvious after I did it. To select things that are already on the map, click and drag a box around them, then they will change color slightly (become a little brighter). Then you can drag them around the editor. Just remember when you try to move them you need hold-click on one of the units you selected to move the selection around. You can also copy and paste items by hitting control c (copy) and cntrl v to paste.

That should get you started.

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Very important piece of info often overlooked:

Be sure and click the words "Basic" in the upper right corner of the mission editor and switch to "Advanced" mode. Since most tutorials and stuff are written with the idea you are in 'Advanced' mode you should be sure that is selected!


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