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How can use it?

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Oooops, excuse me...I noticed this mistakes after the stuff was uploaded.

NUMMER simpyl means NUMBER in German and the "bis" you'll find in one of the other grey boxes means "up to".

I didn't wanted to give you a new readme because it are smaller mistakes but I could have mentioned in the thread.



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ooh thanks reply but...

sorry for i don't speak good foreignlanguage (in truth, i'm come from korea, republic of korea,)

in other words, i don't need difference point between american and dutch, i in need of technically solution

"how can use 'object number animate ["ToL1", 1/0]'"

North Korea express in a formula subsistence of nuclear missile, today

It is not so simple as Superpower2  sad_o.gif

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the 1/0 is if you want to open gate or close gate

1 = open and 0 = close

and the NUMMER is the object ID in the mission editor the gate , fence whatever that needs to be opened closed

so if you see a gate in the mapfact nogova island with the ID number 31302 and you want to open it. you place a trigger with civilian not present and then this code in the activation line for an example

(object 31302) animate ["TorL", 1]'"

the TorL means left gate or something like that, so i guess that is for a building with two doors on


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Oh, sorry! I didn't picked the point that you have problems with the "formula" ( wink_o.gif ) itself.

But ok your question is solved already. And just to mention it for the people who don't know it already. This are the lines to animate the gate-doors of the fences from the "Baracks v1.5"..."TorL" means the left and "TorR" obviously the right door (seen from the direction in which they open).



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