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Artillery Script

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I had a mission idea today, it involved artillery, so I downloaded some artillery scripts.  Some didn't work (no docs either), the rest just wouldn't do what I wanted, so I made my own.  I finished the script, but now I've forgotten what the mission was going to be about. biggrin.gif

This one places a marker on the map.  You can move it to the positoin you want shelled, and order single shots, smoke, or let hell breake lose.

No addons are required.  I've included a readme.txt, and a sample mission to show you how to set it up.

Download 7k File

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I couldn't stop. I made a crap load of changes today. I think it will be easier for the "script challenged" to understand how to install. I added two types of ammo, you can switch between them, and also added flares.

I fixed several small "bugs" that nobody probably would have ever noticed.

Download 8k File

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