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bonko the sane

unable to start ofp

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a weird thing is happening on my pc, this morning when i shut it down all was fine, but this afternoon, after turning it on im unable to play ofp when i start it in ofp watch or ofp launcher with mod folders on, it starts and then it stays at 0 fps and i have to reboot, if i start ofp from codemasters start up shortcut ofp works fine, i tried loading ofp with no addons via ofp lancher\ watch and i get "not responding" error in task manager...wtf..i added no addons nor did i mess up with system\bios\drivers.

anyone has a clue?


WinXP SP2 with up to date updates

AMD Semptron 2800

SBAudigy platinum

GFfx5600 Ultra


Via KT400

all devices have latest drivers

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WinXP SP2 with up to date updates

I`ve heard from many People, that the SP2 for WIN XP making trouble.

Try to search for winxp sp2 in google, maybe you find a clue? xmas_o.gif

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txs for the suggestion but its nothing related to SP2 as ive had it since it came out and it works fine.

i did a disk check and a defrag and all is working fine now, which is strange to say the least as i did a defrag last week.

Moderators plz lock this.

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Before they lock please tell me how OFP works under Semptron ?

it runs ofp fine, its basically a AMD with some of the new 64bit technology at an affordable price, im quite happy with it, its no l33t cpu but its makes quite a diference from my old amd 1700+

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