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BAS Helo Rapel bug

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I'm using the BAS_AIrope.sqs script with the BAS MH-60 in two of my missions. It works like a champ and the soldiers rapel out just fine BUT the helicopter just sits there and hovers until I actually turn and look at it. When I do that, then it proceeds to the next waypoint that I built for it. It does this with both an AI squad and a squad with a human player. In both cases, the chopper won't go to the next waypoint until the human player turns and looks directly at it. Anyone else seen this and/or know how to fix it? Thanks!


Bone WSO

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I found that the BAS helos (particularly the UH-60 and its varients) will continue to hover with the rope deployed even after the troops have fasted roped or otherwise disembarked.  For me, they continue to do this until my men move away from the insertion point.

I like to assume BAS built this in as a feature rather than a bug.  Try moving your men to cover after your insertion, the helicopter should move to its next waypoint then.

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never noticed this.....maybe they want it to seem like the chopper is giving hte troops cover? rock.gif

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