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Help with Batch conversion of A LOT of tga files t

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I need help to convert a lot of tga files (over 600 in the first go) to .paa files. The reason is that we are using aerial photographs to generate ground textures over a region and you need 400 tiles for each square km. So you quickly run into large numbers.

Generating the individual tga files is easy with, say, Photoshop, but then the going gets tough, and exceedingly tedious. The conversion tools we have found require you to sit and click a number of times for each file.

Can anyone point me to a conversion tool you can run in batch file to speed things up? Any help is greatly appreciated.

OFP can handle it and results are good. Look at our website www.defencegaming.org under Downloads for "Computer Games as a Base for Training Simulators" where we show some screenshots. The detailed terrain there is 1x1km, the whole island is 51x51km.

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First, get this old tool of mine from here.

Then, just little bit of NT command prompt magic will do the trick:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">FOR %t in (*.tga) DO png2pac %t %~nt.paa

(no, despite it's name it does not read PNG files, only 32bit uncompressed TGA.. never bothered to write proper file format support tounge_o.gif )

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Thanks, it worked like a charm. Only you can only give one argument or you need a type arg as well.

Thanks again.

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